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Delhi: Ganga Ram, Moolchand to be made Covid-19 hospitals

Delhi: Ganga Ram, Moolchand to be made Covid-19 hospitals

Delhi: Ganga Ram, Moolchand to be made Covid-19 hospitals
June 04
14:54 2020

Upwards of three private hospitals in the national capital have been proclaimed ‘COVID hospital’ by the Delhi government on Wednesday. The three hospitals are Moolchand, Ganga Ram, and Saroj. They will be COVID hospitals however with various beds saved for poor patients there.

The request was given by Delhi Health Secretary Padmini Singla.

In Moolchand, 140 beds will be accessible for paid administrations while 14 beds will be committed for economically weaker section (EWS) classification patients.

So also, of Saroj Hospital’s 154 beds, 139 will be paid and 15 for EWS.

In Ganga Ram, 80 percent beds are accessible for COVID, out of which 457 are paid and 51 is saved for EWS class patients.

The national capital saw 1,513 more COVID cases on Wednesday while 9 additional passings were accounted for.

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