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Israel ruins Iranian nuclear base, F-35 aircraft bomb bomb missile base

Israel ruins Iranian nuclear base, F-35 aircraft bomb bomb missile base

Israel ruins Iranian nuclear base, F-35 aircraft bomb bomb missile base
July 04
13:11 2020

Israel Cyber ​​Attack on Iran: Israel has conducted a cyber-attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities. This caused a huge explosion in Iranian targets and the entire program went back two months. Not only this, but Israeli fighter jets also attacked the Iran missile base.


  • Cyberattack is high between Israel and its antithesis country Iran
  • Israel makes two explosions in Iran’s nuclear facilities by a cyber attack
  • Of these, Iran has a uranium enrichment center and another missile manufacturing center.

The cyberattack between Israel and its anti-Iran Iran is at its peak. In the latest incident, Israel carried out a massive cyber attack and made two explosions in Iran’s nuclear facilities. One is a uranium enrichment center and the other is a missile manufacturing center. Not only this, Israel, with the help of its deadly F-35 fighter jet, attacked and destroyed the missile construction site in Iran’s Parchin area.

The incident occurred last week, according to a report by Kuwaiti newspaper Al Jarida. The newspaper reported that the Israeli cyber attack opened fire on Thursday at the Natanj Nuclear Promotion Center in Iran and caused a massive explosion. This entire center is built underground. Sources said that after this Israeli attack, Iran’s nuclear program has now gone back two months.

Israel attacked Iranian hideout and dropped bombs

Al Jarida said that last Friday, an Israeli F-16 stealth fighter jet raided an Iranian hideout in the Parchin area and dropped several bombs. It is believed to be a missile production center. In fact, Israel says that Iran is constantly upgrading its weapons and missiles and is supplying it to the anti-Jewish Hizbulla.

Both of these attacks have not been confirmed by Israel. Earlier, there were reports that Iran tried to hack Israeli water supply in April. Iran’s attack was foiled by Israel’s cyber defense. Had Iran succeeded in this effort, the amount of chlorine underwater would have risen to dangerous levels. The water crisis would have arisen in the whole country.

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