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Pakistan gives big blow to China, BIGO app ban, Ticktock final warning

Pakistan gives big blow to China, BIGO app ban, Ticktock final warning

Pakistan gives big blow to China, BIGO app ban, Ticktock final warning
July 21
13:26 2020

Pakistan Ban Bigo: Pakistan government has banned China’s Bigo App Ban. Also, TikTok has also been given a final warning. Pakistan has banned the Chinese app for showing pornographic content.


  • Pakistan’s Imran Khan government gives a big blow to its ‘evergreen friend’ China
  • After India, Pakistan has also banned China’s Bigo app,
  • Pakistan has banned this for displaying pornographic and immoral content on the BIGO app.

Pakistan’s Imran Khan government has given a big blow to its ‘evergreen friend’ China. After India, now Pakistan has also banned China’s Bigo app while giving Tiktok a final warning. Pakistan has banned this for displaying pornography and immoral content. Earlier, Pakistan had also banned the gaming app PUBG.

Last week itself, a petition was filed in the Lahore High Court demanding an immediate ban on TikTok. The petitioner had said that this app is a great evil in modern times. He said that Ticketcock has become a major source of pornography in the greed for fame and ratings on social media. In the complaint issued by the Government of Pakistan, it has been said that complaints were received from different sections of society about Tiktok and Bigo.

The Government of Pakistan said that the reply from both the apps is not satisfactory. After this, the government banned BIGO and TicTok has been given a final warning. Earlier, Imran Khan Sarkar announced a ban on online multiplayer game PUBG. The government had said that the game is anti-Islam and that the youth get addicted to this game.

The government also said that the physical and mental health of the youth is being affected due to this game. According to the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority, pubs in Pakistan are facing a lot of mental pressure on the youth. In such a situation, the causes of suicide among the youth have also increased rapidly. This government agency said during a hearing in the Islamabad High Court that some scenes in the Pubg game are anti-Islam. Those who cannot be allowed in Pakistan.

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